British patents listed by patent number

The following is a list of patents referred to in the main text.

401912Twin lens camera, horizontal model for plates.

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co.; Pickard, George Arthur

Folding Twin Lens

1141901Device to set the front standard at any angle. Covers the front standard bolts.

Sanderson, Frederick Herbert

Sanderson Regular, Sanderson De Luxe, Sanderson Tourist, Junior Sanderson, Tropical Sanderson, Roll-film Sanderson, Tropical Sanderson, Sanderson Tropical De Luxe, Sanderson Tropical De Luxe, Roll-Film Sanderson

3191884Turntable in base of camera to dispense with the tripod top.

McKellen, Samuel Dunseith

Double-pinion, Treble Patent, Watson Acme, Field Camera

3591890Describes the Folding Kodak.

Brownell, Frank Alexander; Kodak Ltd

No. 5 Folding Kodak

3661894Swing and tilt to back arranged so that the axis of movement is co-incident with the sensitive plate.

Curtis, W.F.H.

5111890Rubber grip to fit the shutter to various size lenses.

Thornton, John Edward; Pickard, Edgar

Time & Instantaneous

5411887Tailboard camera where the bellows disengage from the front, the rear standard folds onto the baseboard and the front standard folds on top covering the focusing screen. Possibly used on a Ross stereo camera.

Ashford, J.

New Patent Camera

6131895Sanderson front standard support struts.

Sanderson, Frederick Herbert

Sanderson, Sanderson A pattern, Sanderson Popular, Sanderson Junior, Tropical Sanderson, Sanderson, Sanderson Regular, Sanderson De Luxe, Sanderson Tourist, Junior Sanderson, Tropical Sanderson, Roll-film Sanderson, Tropical Sanderson, Sanderson Tropical De Luxe, Sanderson Tropical De Luxe, Roll-Film Sanderson

6741855Describes a combined camera and dark tent arrangement. The lens of the camera moves in a curved slot.

Bourne, John Cooke

7891896Method of connecting front standard to the camera baseboard for stereo use.

Holmes, Leonard; Holmes, Leonard Edwin; Holmes, Herbert

Holmes Single Lens Stereo

8871858A thin membrane is used as a lens diaphragm. The membrane is made, for instance, of india-rubber and is capable of being stretched. It has in it a small hole. The membrane can be stretched from outside the lens which changes the size of the hole.

Maugey, Pierre

9391889Changing mechanism for a detective camera.

Smith, A.


9411892Describes a folding strut camera.

Jeffrey, A.; Wishart, George

Jeffrey & Wishart's Patent Camera

9921904Zambex envelopes and skeletons.

Beck, Conrad


11201885Describes a tailboard camera.

Branson, F.W.

11391901Relates to an enlarging camera adapted to correct distortion in negatives owing to their being out of the true plane when originally photographed.

Carpentier, Jules

11451902Describes a slide-rule actinometer using a tape or ribbon.

Smith, John Henry

Universal Exposure Meter

11961904Relates to a method and apparatus for reducing or enlarging the dimensions of a photograph by inclining the original and reproduction.

Scheimpflug, Theodor

13271908Film developing tank. Films arranged in arcs around a common centre to fit a round tank.

Carkhuff, Norman W.; Kodak Ltd

No. 2 Premo

13651889Darkroom lamp.

Lancaster, W.J.


13881890Describes an actinometer on the principle of the slide-rule for determining the exposure to be given to a plate. The time is calculated by multiplying four factors, representing the actinic force of the light A, the sensitiveness of the plate P, the colour of the object and its distance from the lens S, the relation of the diaphragm of the lens to its focal length D. [The patent describes how these factors are multiplied using the rings on the barrel of the meter]. Describes the Watkins Standard.

Watkins, Alfred

Watkins Standard

14481878Stand camera with a hinged baseboard to protect the focusing screen and a front standard mounted on a short focusing rail.

Rouch, S.W.

Patent Portable

14681907Focal-plane shutter.

Goerz, Carl Paul

Goerz Anschütz, Goerz Anschütz

15101888Book camera.

Krügener, R.

Krügener's Patent Book Camera

15331887Use of eccentric discs to clamp the dark-slides in place. Slotted plates on the rear standard to provide tilt and swing to the back. Inner metal frame to dark-slide to hold two plates. Bellows extension to focusing screen with lens and prism to give erect image. Lens board held in fork which has a fine focus adjustment. The method to hold the dark-slides was used on the Instantograph and other cameras as were the slotted plates to give tilting back. The fine focus arrangement on the front standard was used on the 'Special' model.

Lancaster, W.J.

Instantograph, BB Instantograph, Special Patent

16311889Curved slot on front standard forks to control tilt and collapsing of camera. Tilting back by clamping plates on the rear standard to short uprights running on the baseboard, these uprights (and therefore the whole back) are clamped to the baseboard by a screwed rod extending the width of camera. Bellows are made parallel for a short distance near the camera back. Used on the 'Extra Special' model.

Lancaster, W.J.

Extra Special

16501883Flap/drop shutter. The flap is spring powered, the drop-plate is rubber-band powered.

Reynolds, R.; Branson, F.W.


16751886Method of fixing the front standard to the baseboard using vertical rods inside the forks.

Rayment, Arthur

Rayment's Patent

16991875Describes the Hare transfer box.

Hare, George

Hare Automatic Changing Box

17401905Diaphragm shutter. Used on friction brake Koilos.

Kenngott, Wilhelm


18301894Describes a monorail camera.

Peck, G.

18981884Swing and tilt adjustment using a cradle with curved surfaces attached to the baseboard. Used on the 'Patent Swing' studio camera.

Sands, Charles; Hunter, J.J.

19241895Roller-blind shutter. Use of a safety blind to cover the lens when setting the shutter. Improvement of BP 17516/1891.

Thornton, John Edward; Pickard, Edgar

Time & Instantaneous

19381877Euryscope lens.

Voigtländer, F. von


20421887The base of the back has a curved rack to provide a tilt movement.

Gotz, J.R.

21121859Stereoscope open on three sides with a mirror on the fourth for viewing illustrations mounted in books.

Beck, Joseph

Mirror Stereoscope

21891899Describes the Magazine Cyclone (Western Camera Manufacturing Co.).

Haight, Harry D.; Cossitt, Lincoln L.

Cyko No. 5

21931859'An improved panoramic lens for taking photographic pictures'.

Sutton, Thomas

Sutton Panoramic

22791891Describes a falling plate detective camera.

Miller, Tom

The British, Miller's patent

23051903The Euryplan lens.

Arbeit, Ernst

Nulli Secundus, Euryplan

23051895Viewer for three-colour images, applied in the Kromskop.

Ives, Frederic E.


23901886Dark slide for film.

Vergara, F.J.

Vergara Patent

24421902Method of inserting and retaining film spools.

Holmes, Herbert; Houghton, George

Roll-film Sanderson, Roll-Film Sanderson

24851907Focal-plane shutter.

Adams, Arthur Lewis

Tropical Minex, Minex

24961885Method of clamping the front standard to the baseboard and clamping the rising front. Used on the 'Combination' camera from Shew and others.

Brown, J.E.

Shew's Aluminium Combination, Brown's Patent Combination Camera

25441895Describes the Kombi.

Kemper, A.C.


25661893Improvements in changing boxes, and arrangement for a detachable box.

Clarke, Joseph Thacher

F.O.P. Frena, Frena Film Holder

25741857Improved achromat lens.

Grubb, Thomas

Grubb Aplanat

26441858Covers the Clairvoyant viewer.

Swan, Henry


26701886Field camera with front standard that can be disengaged for collapsing. Double pinion acting on the focusing rack. Circular lens panel carrying several lenses. Flexible focusing screen that winds onto a roller.

Thornton, John Edward


27671884Flap/drop shutter. Flap speed controlled by weighted arm, the drop-plate is rubber-band powered.

Branson, F.W.



Sands, Charles

Exhibition Camera, Sands' Patent

28111886Cameras, especially fixing the front standard to the baseboard using studs.

Stanley, William Ford

New Patent Portable

29401857Stereo Viewer. Handle on the hinged top-flap.

Sands, Charles

Sands' Patent

30141881The rear standard has a rounded base and is clamped by a screw passing through the baseboard. The standard pivots on a ball or cylinder for adjustment, the screw tightens on the ball when clamped. Sold as the Sciopticon, a distinctive tailboard type camera.

Smith, George

30191892Tapering the end of screw threads. The taper makes it easier to find the start of the thread. an arrow engraved on the lens and flange showed the start position. BJA 1893, p. 751

Taylor, T.S.; Taylor, W.; Hobson, H.W.

Watson Acme, Focal-Plane Field Camera

30261884Plates are held in a frame inside a slide which clips to the camera, a plate is moved into the focal plane by depressing a rod attached to the frame.

Hopkins, J.; Hopkins, A.G.

Simplex Slide and Reversible Camera Back

30351882Describes the '1882' pattern folding plate camera.

Hare, George

New Patent Camera

30551896Falling plate camera and shutter.

Jackson, Alfred Charles

Falling plate camera (Jackson's patents), Improved Rapid, Falling plate camera (Jackson's patents)

30691871Describes a folding bellows camera where the baseboard is in three parts, the outer two parts fold up to cover the rear and front standards.

Stillman, William James

Bellows Wet-plate Camera

30761888Field camera, the front forks have a slot within which the studs on the lens board can move for vertical adjustment. Centre swing and base tilt to back. Focusing pinion pushes into recess for storage. Sold by Marion as the Cyclone.

Gale, C.H.

Gale's Patent Camera

31181898Dark-slides. The top of the draw-slide has corrugations into which strips of velvet, attached to the dark-slide, can fit.

Thornton, John Edward; Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co.

Royal Ruby

31751864Covers the Dubroni.

Bourdin, Gabriel Jules

Dubroni No. 1

32401898Aluminium case for roller-blind shutter.

Thornton, John Edward

Time & Instantaneous

32681882Focusing scale attached to the baseboard.

Stanley, William Ford

36301908Describes the Vesta.

Adams, Arthur Lewis


36331910Wratten Safelight.

Wratten, Sidney Herbert

Wratten Safelight

36341895Method of connecting the front standard to the baseboard.

Spratt, Henry James; Spratt, Alfred Sidney; Spratt, George Albert

Clydesdale Set

36481904Printing Frames. Includes a spring to raise the paper from the negative.

Spratt, Henry James; Spratt, Alfred Sidney; Spratt, George Albert


37431890Covers the fitting of dark-slides to reversing frames, especially an arrangement of catches that prevents the shutter of the slide being withdrawn until it inserted into the camera back.

Scorer, W.

37991904Roll-film developing tank.

Brownell, Frank Alexander; Kodak Ltd

Brownie Developing Machine, Kodak Developing Machine

38731901Describes a slide-rule actinometer.

Acworth, Joseph John

Imperial Exposure Meter

38791886Use of an iris diaphragm.

Lancaster, W.J.


40241907Diaphragm shutter. Used on Koilos with pneumatic delay.

Kenngott, Wilhelm


40811893Changing the slit width of a focal-plane shutter by the use of chains.

Thornton, John Edward; Pickard, Edgar

Royal Ruby, Focal Plane Eureka, Focal-Plane

41021885Describes the Shew Eclipse.

Lowdon, George

Shew Eclipse

41101896Describes a monorail.

Parkinson, H.C.

41311889Changing mechanism and shutter for a detective camera.

Miall, Frank


41451888Changing mechanism.

Rouch, A.S.


43201881Describes a twin lens camera, shutter and changing mechanism.

Brookes, Warwick


44621899Sector type, T & I, shutter.

Lancaster, W.J.


45151905Method of arranging the struts to bring the front and rear standards of a field camera close together. The mounting for the front standard struts is elevated to avoid contact with the rear standard. Used on the Royal Ruby field camera.

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co.; Pickard, George Arthur

45281885Field camera with an attached focusing hood and magnifier.

Stanley, William Ford

Stanley Tailboard Camera

45311885Single blade return shutter. The shutter blade is actuated by a crank, the pin of which works in a transverse slot at the top of the shutter blade. The crank is turned round by a milled head on its axis; on the axis is fitted a spiral spring which is wound up by turning the milled head. As the milled head is turned so the shutter blade is lifted and returned, at the end of its motion it is held by a latch. Lifting the latch frees the spring which reverses the motion of the blade. The blade can be held in the fully open position by quickly releasing the latch.

Sarjeant, W.L.


46241886Describes an actinometer using paper prepared with bromine salt, the paper is held in a circular case.

Stanley, William Ford; Sarjeant, W.L.

Stanley Actinometer

47181887Field camera with levers to clamp the front standard.

Cusworth, C.

48081887Use of a slotted disc to set tilting back.

Sands, Charles; Hunter, J.J.

Sands & Hunter Imperial

48311904Strut and front standard arrangement for a hand camera. Used on the Lizars De-Luxe cameras.

Ballantine, Robert; Ballantine, Matthew

Challenge Tropical De Luxe

48741905Describes a three-colour falling late camera.

Soc. du Photochrome


49921906Envelope adapter.

Wishart, George

Houghton Envelope Adapter, Houghton Envelope Film

50141885Roller-blind shutter.

Kershaw, John

Kershaw Patent

51201900Changing arrangement for folding hand cameras. Used on the Folding Frena range.

Beck, Conrad; Beck, William

Folding Frena

51701901The Aldis Anastigmat lens.

Aldis, Hugh Lancelot

Aldis Anastigmat

52121906Envelope adapter.

Mackenzie, Frederick; Wishart, George

Mackenzie-Wishart Daylight Slide

53631885Rotary shutter.

Lancaster, W.J.

Instantograph, Instantograph, Lancaster Rotary

53641885Baseboard in three parts with pull-out section and second section moved by rack and pinion. Locking nut on pinion.

Lancaster, W.J.

53741894A tambour front panel is used to give rising front, moved by rack and pinion.

Cole, J.

Cole's Patent

54381901Describes a while-you-wait ferrotype camera.

Hickox, Herbert Edward; Phillips, Forbes Alexander


54501886Development of patent 15887/1884, the front standard is held in place by pins that can pivot and be disengaged to collapse the camera. Advertised by Marion (YBP 1891).

Middlemiss, W.

54541896Describes a shutter and general form of a box camera for plates. Used on the B.P. Criterion.

Brooks, John Boultbee

B-P Criterion

55231912Describes a folding reflex camera. Used on the Folding Minex.

Adams, Arthur Lewis

Tropical Folding Minex

55451888Exposure determining. This instrument consists of a slide rule, two scales of which are fixed and the other two movable. The fixed scales are subdivided with divisions corresponding to the logarithms of numbers which indicate according to suitable units, one the intensity of light for the day, and the other the "inertia" or inverse of the sensitiveness of the given plate. The movable scales are subdivided with divisions corresponding to logarithms of numbers which indicate according to suitable units, one the speed of the lens, and the other the length of the exposure. The length of exposure will thus be equal to the intensity of the light multiplied by the speed of the lens and divided by the "inertia" of the plate. This can be shown by the ordinary manipulation of the slide-rule.

Hurter, F.; Driffield, V.C.


55641900Folding darkroom lamp.

Jackson, Alfred Charles

Ticka, Neptune

55981881Camera with provision for holding and changing plates internally by passing a hand through a light-tight sleeve.

Lawley, Walter; Starnes, H.S.

Field Camera

57421892Roller-blind shutter, rack and pinion setting arm and pneumatic regulation.

Newman, Arthur Samuel; Guardia, J.

N&G Roller-Blind

58281893Method of clamping and collapsing front standard, tilting back arrangement. Used on the Imperial Instantograph. Dark-slide with hinged top to load plates.

Lancaster, W.J.

Lancaster's Patent

59381885Tailboard camera, especially the fitting of the front and rear standards. Used in the 'Long and Short Focus' camera.

Rouch, A.S.

Rouch Long & Short Focus

59651885Field camera with a turntable or cut-out for the lens in the baseboard.

Underwood, E.; Underwood, T.A.

The Club

60131892Developing and washing apparatus.

Brin, A.

Brin's Patent Camera

60131886Relates to a detective camera with one lens for focusing and another similar one for throwing the image on the sensitive plate. The image on the focusing plate is inspected through a hole by a mirror'. Describes a Marion Academy with a mirror behind the viewing lens.

Driffield, V.C.


60281890Protar lens.

Rudolph, Paul

Shew's Aluminium Combination, Protar

61211913Focal-plane shutter.

Prout, George Frederick; Houghtons Ltd

Ensign Folding Reflex

62381912Focal-plane shutter.

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co.; Pickard, Arthur Gray; Slinger, Frank

Special Ruby Reflex, Ruby de Luxe Reflex, Duplex Ruby Reflex, Junior Special Ruby, Dallmeyer De Luxe Reflex

63801914Describes a watch type actinometer with a 'hunter' type of case. One of the discs has radial divisions to indicate when the correct amount of sensitive paper is in the meter window. The dials are described as interchangeable.

Wynne, George Frederick

Wynne's Hunter Meter

64891896Changing mechanism. Used in the Frena.

Beck, Conrad; Beck, William; Clarke, Joseph Thacher


65081900Tripod with hinged section to close into a smaller space.

Ashford, J.

Giraffe tripod

65331891An interrupted screw (bayonet) is used to attach and disconnect the bellows to the front standard. The tilting back is guided by a curved slot. Back adapted to fit an enlarger or copying device.

Savage, R.W.; Sun Camera Co.

66131887Changing mechanism, shutter for a detective camera. Used on the Eureka.

Rouch, S.W.


66281899Time valve.

Thornton, John Edward

Time Exposure Valve, Time Exposure Valve

66311892Describes a camera and enlarging apparatus for a rigid hand camera.

Carpentier, Jules


66441915Front standard of a folding hand camera. Used on the Vaido.

Adams, Arthur Lewis


66881884Pivoting lens board enabling it to swing forward onto the baseboard whilst front standard swings backwards when collapsing the camera.

McKellen, Samuel Dunseith

Double-pinion, Treble Patent

67751899Method of clamping the front and rear standards by 'V' section plates working on grooves along the baseboard. The plates are pulled together by a bolt running the width of the baseboard. Found on a camera by McBean.

Wilby, J.A.; Tattersall, W.

68141888Twin lens camera with bayonet lens mount.

Clark, S.M.

Artist's Hand Camera, Kinegraphe Grand Angle

68981884Folding darkroom lamp.

Redding, Henry Joseph

Redding's Improved Pocket Ruby Lamp

69501888Roll-film detective camera.

Eastman, G.

The Kodak

71561886Pneumatic shutter. Used on the early Newman shutter (fitting in the diaphragm slot of e.g. field cameras).

Newman, Arthur Samuel

Tailboard Camera, Newman's Patent

72011884The object is to dispense with the tilting back and sliding front. The lens is supported on a 'U' shaped bracket allowing rise, tilt and shift.

Samuels, T.

72041912Roll-film developing tank, for the Ensignette N0. 2.

Pendred, Loughnan St. Lawrence; Houghtons Ltd

Ensignette De Luxe

73591886Dark-slides. Small plates are on the draw-slide to prevent the removal of the draw-slide.

Watson, Thomas Parsons

Stereoscopic Camera

74891890Describes a back with swing and tilt. Used on the Perfection model.

Vevers, C.C.


Furnell, T.

Rayment's Patent

77511899Envelope adapter.

Mackenzie, Frederick; Wishart, George

Mackenzie-Wishart Daylight Slide

78801897Shutter with two pivoted blades.

Eastman Photographic Materials Co.

Eastman Triple Action

79511886The dark-slides are held in position by wooden strips that are moveable to accommodate different sizes of dark-slide. The strips unscrew and can be placed for vertical or horizontal use.

McKellen, Samuel Dunseith

79811935Application number for the Purma camera GB445907.

Mayo, Alfred Croger

Purma Speed

80541889Use of an extra large pinion wheel to adjust the focus. A folding handle rotates the pinion wheel, a sliding bolt locks the position.

Skinner, J.H.; Lyth, E.J.

81221893Changing box where the exposed plate is raised into the bag by the draw-slide.

Reid, J.G.

Reid Changing Box

81941892Printing frame.

Beck, Conrad; Bynoe, Frederick Oatley

Bynoe Printing Frame

83291886Changing box where the exposed plate is raised by a crank lever in the bottom of the box.

Newman, Arthur Samuel

N&G Standard, N&G Changing Box

83531901Two-blade pivoted return shutter.

Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.


83581901Two-blade return shutter, rectilinear movement.

Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.


83601901Two-blade pivoted return shutter.

Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.


84471888Method of fixing the rear standard of a field camera to the baseboard. The rear standard is attached to a bracket that moves along a rail, a wedge clamps the bracket to the rail.

Turner, J. W.

84631884Inner sliding frame on a field camera for focusing, the frame is moved by a rack and pinions at each end of the frame.

McKellen, Samuel Dunseith

Double-pinion, Treble Patent

85151894Exposure determining. Relates to a slide-rule for calculating the time of exposure and diaphragm required.

Phillips, William Henry

Phillips' Exposure Meter

87211912Describes the side struts of a folding hand camera. Used in the Sibyl range of cameras. Where the struts join at the top and bottom a short separation piece is introduced. The end struts have a notch to fit over the separation piece. This allowed the struts to fold into a smaller space.

Newman & Guardia; Walters, Edward Cecil; Mason, Percy George

Roll-film Baby Sibyl, New Special Sibyl, Roll-film New Special Sibyl, New Ideal Sibyl, Roll-film New Ideal Sibyl, Baby Sibyl, Rangefinder Baby Sibyl

87221912Sector shutter. Used on the Sibyl camera.

Newman & Guardia; Walters, Edward Cecil; Mason, Percy George

Roll-film Baby Sibyl, New Special Sibyl, Roll-film New Special Sibyl, New Ideal Sibyl, Roll-film New Ideal Sibyl, Baby Sibyl, Rangefinder Baby Sibyl

90051914Original patent for what became Autographic film.

Gaisman, Henry Jaques

Eastman Autographic

90061914Original patent covering cameras adapted to use Autographic film.

Gaisman, Henry Jaques

Eastman Autographic

90131903Describes the original Premo film pack.

Rochester Optical and Camera Co.

Premo Film Pack

90141903Describes a holder (adapter) for a film pack.

Rochester Optical and Camera Co.

Premo Film Pack

90441908Describes the Paget colour screen process.

Whitfield, George Sydney

Paget Duplicating Method, Paget

90571898Five sided prism used as a view-finder giving non-reversed image.

Mallett, Walter; Watson, William; Beevor, Charles William; Adams, Arthur Lewis


91001906Autochrome. The third Autochrome patent referred to the grains being flattened by rolling.

Lumière et ses Fils


91191894Brilliant view-finder having two lenses before the mirror.

Hill, Henry; Adams, Arthur Lewis

Adams Vesta, Adams Finder

92861885Roll-holder Removable spool, measuring roller, auto-stop, pins to mark paper.

Morgan, W.T.; Kidd, R.L.

New Patent Camera

93421912Describes a while-you-wait ferrotype camera.

Moore, Harry Charles

Aptus Automatic Ferrotype Camera

95991902Focal-plane shutter and mirror for a single lens reflex.

Newman & Guardia; Newman, Arthur Samuel

Square Reflector

96551886Waistcoat camera.

Stirn, C.P.

Stirn's Waistcoat Camera, Gray's Vest Camera

97561886Use of a metal frame in place of the conventional baseboard, the sides of the frame can telescope for focusing. Arrangement for tilting back and swing front.

McLaughlin, G.

98191892Changing mechanism for a detective camera. Used in the Frena.

Beck, Conrad; Clarke, Joseph Thacher

Frena, Frena, Frena Changing Mechanism

98201892Shutter. Used in the Frena.

Beck, Conrad; Clarke, Joseph Thacher

Folding Frena, Frena, Frena, F.O.P. Frena, Frena Changing Mechanism


Eastman, G.

No. 5 Folding Kodak

99481887Catches for dark-slides to lock the draw-slide in place.

Watson, Thomas Parsons

Stereoscopic Camera

100121890Celluloid vignettes.

Sershall, G.J.

Sershall's Patent Vignette Papers

100641893Shutter and changing mechanism for a stereo camera.

Richard, Jules


100971904Envelope adapter.

Wishart, George

Houghton Envelope Adapter, Houghton Envelope Film

101031887Method of clamping the front standard to the baseboard.

Collins, T.J.

Collins Patent Field Camera

102781891Falling plate camera.

Ricard, E.; Lacroix, J.B.J.


105041912Describes a folding hand camera.

Brooks, Arthur Augustus

No 1 Gleaner

105941885The camera back is connected by short links to the slides running on the edge of the baseboard, this is arranged to provide a tilting back. Tilting front is also provided.

Gotz, J.R.

106171893Describes a watch type actinometer. Describes the dual use of scales such that the outer scale represents both the diaphragm and the plate speed and the inner scale represents the actinic time and the exposure time.

Wynne, George Frederick

Wynne's Infallible

107981891Roller-blind shutter. BP 5014/1885 is related.

Kershaw, John

Kershaw Patent

108231888Describes a small rigid hand camera and changing method. Used in the Demon.

O'Reilly, Walter

Demon Detective Camera

109661898Relates to a method of making up a packet of films for use in change-boxes. Used in the Tella camera.

Adams, Arthur Lewis


111471911Combined view-finder, level and telemeter.

Talman, John; Watson, Charles Henry

Combined View-finder, Level and Telemeter

113021895Describes a rigid bodied camera, shutter and changing mechanism.

Zion, Joseph

Simili Jumelle

113031893Folding tripod. The sections are automatically secured into place by a spring catch as the tripod is unfolded.

Spratt, Henry James; Spratt, Alfred Sidney; Spratt, George Albert

Improved Long Focus, Nimrod Automan

113861885Dovetailed wedge-shaped fitting on the camera to fit tripod top.

Park, Henry

113941891Improvements to strut cameras.

Shew, Fox

Shew Eclipse

114761890Two-blade pivoted return shutter.

Mattioli, G.

Le Perpetuel

115781888Actinometers. Relates to improvements to BP13332/1887. A lens is used as an eye-piece and a fixed plate is used in place of the perforated plate.

Decoudun, J.


115851905Folding roll-film camera.

Brownell, Frank Alexander; Kodak Ltd

No. 1 Folding Pocket Kodak

116151886Plate Box with corrugated grooves to hold the plates and flaps to lift out the plates.

Arundel, S.D.

Three-Colour Separation Negatives

116701905View-finder connected to the rising front.

Adams, Arthur Lewis

Vesta, Focal Plane Vesta, Stereo Vesta, Verto, Idento, Tropical Idento

116871908Leaf shutter

Kodak Ltd

No. 3 Folding Pocket Kodak

116981908Screens for colour photography.

Dufay, Louis

Dufaycolor Films

118161908Daylight changing system.

Brooks, Arthur Augustus

A-kla Daylight Loading System

118911890Changing mechanism.

Clarke, Joseph Thacher

Frena, Frena, Frena Changing Mechanism

120011890Method of clamping tripod turntable.

Skinner, J.H.

120291892Pneumatic delay cylinder where the initial position of the cylinder or piston is altered to vary the speed.

Adams, Arthur Lewis; Hill, Henry

Improved Tourist Camera, Adams de Luxe, The Adjustable

121051909Roller-blind shutter. Self-capping with two blinds connected by tapes.

Chessher, Herbert George

Triple Victo

121191910Mounting iron.

Friedl, George

Mounting Iron

121561912Actinometer where a small image of the subject is formed.

Boucher, Paul

Chronoscope PAP

121801899Describes the shutter, changing mechanism and general form of a rigid bodied camera. Used in the Sigriste camera.

Sigriste, J.G.


122381886Roller-blind shutter.

Thornton, John Edward

Time & Instantaneous

123891884Describes a folding bed camera with a double-slotted link connecting the baseboard and the back.

Chapman, J.T.; Scott, T.

Scott's Patent

124421890Diaphragm shutter opening to a varying extent.

Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.


125731888Turntable operated by a rack and pinion, general arrangement for focusing and folding the camera.

Scorer, W.

126051909Developing tank for the Ensignette No. 1.

Nièll, Magnus

Ensignette No 1

126691890Falling plate camera mechanism.

Miller, Tom

The British, Miller's patent

129761894Roller-blind shutter. Two blinds moving in opposite directions. Used on the Studio model.

Pickard, Edgar

Time & Instantaneous, Studio

130191896Changing box with a flexible bag where an incline at the front of the box lifts the plates enabling the front plate to be gripped when changing plates.

Adams, Arthur Lewis; Jeyes, John William

Natti, Yale No. 1, Adams Changing Box

130401896Vignette frame.

Salmon, Arthur

Salmon's Vignetter

130551890Shutter. Used on the Presto camera.

Franks, Louis Aubrey

Franks Patent Presto

130611902The Tessar lens.

Rudolph, Paul


132401886Field camera with front standard that can be disengaged for collapsing. Hole in baseboard with a turntable to fix tripod. Plumb bob. Circular lens panel carrying several lenses.

Thornton, John Edward


133321887Describes a means of estimating the light by introducing varyingly translucent plates in front of the image on the ground glass screen.

Decoudun, J.


133401891Suction device for attaching an article to glass. Used on the Limpet finder.

Brookes, Warwick


134411902Heliar lens.

Harting, Carl August Hans


134491891Method of attaching the front standard to the baseboard.

Gandolfi, Louis

The Club

138201912Leaf shutter.

Newman, Arthur Samuel; Newman & Sinclair

Tropical Una, Una De Luxe No. 2, Trellis

138301900Panoramic camera.

Kodak Ltd; Brownell, Frank Alexander

No 4 Panoram

138571892Changing box, use of a pressure plate.

Newman, Arthur Samuel; Guardia, J.

N&G Standard, N&G Changing Box

139561885Rotating back.

Billcliff, Joshua

Improved Long Focus, Multiple image camera

140221903Film pack device.

Beck, Conrad; Bynoe, Frederick Oatley


141021899The front standard does not have a cross piece at the top of the forks, it is strengthened by angled struts on the front of the standard as well as the usual side struts.

Branson, F.W.

141371903Front standard and lens board arrangement with springs to retain the lens board within the forks. Spring clamp to retain lens panel.

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co.; Pickard, George Arthur; Woods, Alfred

141611894Colour photography.

Joly, J.

Joly Process

142621886Describes a conventional field camera with an inner moveable frame on which the front standard is mounted.

Park, Henry


143641893Relates to a simplified form of patent BP 1388/1890. Describes the Watkins Junior.

Watkins, Alfred

Watkins Junior

144211886So that Waterhouse stops are not lost they fit into a metal frame attached to the side of the camera, to hold them in place a leaf spring has an attached peg that fits into the holes of the stops.

Thornton, John Edward


144891908Fitting of roll-film spools

Nièll, Magnus

Ensignette No 1, Ensignette No 2

145371889The lens is mounted within eccentric discs to provide rise and cross front. Other improvements cover tripod fixing.

Scorer, W.

146481891Front standard is made detachable by using spring bolts on the forks. Two positions for the forks locked by a single pair of struts.

Rayment, Arthur; Lyons, G.

146731908The Isostigmar lens.

Beck, Conrad; Beck, Horace Courthope


147531892The conventional baseboard is replaced by telescoping tubes.

Griffiths, Walter


148651897Print meter.

Wynne, George Frederick

Wynne's Infallible Print Meter

149161907Describes a spring operated rocking plate pivoted on one of the front standard struts that engages notches in a slide plate. The notches position the strut in the vertical and extreme forward position. Used on Sanderson field cameras.

Houghtons Ltd; Edwards, William Albert; Holmes, Herbert

Tropical Sanderson

151071895The Cooke Anastigmat lens.

Taylor, Harold Dennis

Cooke Series V

152921892Changing box. The plates are held in a hinged frame that tilts backwards to grip the front plate.

Adams, Arthur Lewis; Jeyes, John William

Adams Changing Box

154951890Describes a detective camera. Used in the Rover.

Lancaster, W.J.


155421884Roll-film holder. Film advance indicated by a click, pins on measuring roller to mark the tissue (film), springs to keep tissue taut, knife on measuring roller to cut the tissue, tissue wound with its sensitive surface inward, detachable spools.

Eastman, G.; Walker, W.H.

Improved Portable Bellows Camera, Shew Eclipse

155481908Focal-plane shutter. Used on the Unit shutter. BP 22134/1904 is referenced. BJA 1909, p. 1193. (Advert.).

Whitehead, Frank Philip; Giles, Walter Frederick

Tropical Folding Ruby, Ensign Focal Plane Camera, Duplex Ruby Reflex, Ensign Popular Reflex, Salex Tropical Reflex, Ensign Folding Reflex

155681934Relates to the Ensign Midget. Application number for GB436750.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph

Silver Midget

156401900Folding hand camera especially a self-erecting front.

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co.; Pickard, George Arthur; Woodhead, Charles Godfrey

Oxford Automan

156571891Describes a strut camera where the lens board is pivoted between the struts and able to tilt. Rise is also possible. Incorporated in a Shew Eclipse model.

Shew, Fox; Henry, L.C.V.

158871884Describes a field camera with two angle-plates sliding on the inner frame to which the front standard is pivoted. To collapse the camera the front standard pushes to the rear and pivots forward onto the bed. The second part of the patent describes a swing back enabled by a brass plate with a curved slot at the back of the camera to which the back is attached. The third part describes a tripod fixing onto a secondary baseboard.

Middlemiss, W.

159261900Rack and pinion used to raise the lens board. Howell was a partner in the Midland Camera Co.

Howell, C.

Royal Letters Patent

159581905Envelope adapter.

Wishart, George

Houghton Envelope Adapter, Houghton Envelope Film

160871884Describes a camera with the front and back standards moved by racks running each side of a single pinion. The patent was used on the 'Imperial' and an earlier model from S&H.

Sands, Charles; Hunter, J.J.

161371900Guillotine shutter sold as the Ilex.

Tattersall, Henry Percy


163341884Horizontal swing given to the back by pivoting it to plates that move along each edge of the baseboard.

McKellen, Samuel Dunseith

Double-pinion, Treble Patent

163531906Focal-plane shutter especially the de-coupling of the blind rollers to adjust the slit.

Hora, Tudor Travers

Ensign Focal Plane Camera

163731893Use of studs to attach front standard to inner frame. Frame strengthened by using racks of T, L or U section, the racks are cut diagonally to match spiral pinion to give less backlash when focusing.

Branson, F.W.

165441896Describes a focusing screen that is held in place by springs acting along one edge with a spring loaded bar holding a dark-slide in place. Clips on the lens board to hold it in the normal position. Notches in the struts to locate them in the vertical position. Method of locking the inner focusing frame. Tripod screw is pivoted so that when not in use it lies flat in a recess within the tripod top.

Thornton, John Edward; Pickard, Edgar

Royal Ruby, Royal Ruby

165931905Focal-plane shutter.

Goerz, Carl Paul; Brauburger, Ernst

Goerz Anschütz, Goerz Anschütz

166401895The Stigmatic lens.

Aldis, Hugh Lancelot


168131900Describes the Dawson Densitometer. The negative is placed at the back of a box, light is able to pass through the negative and falls on a ground glass screen. Light not passing through the negative is also seen on the screen and can be adjusted by a set of wheel stops. When the densities of the two match the printing value of the light is shown by the wheel stop. Mention is made of adjusting the colour of the light by filters, other modifications are shown.

Dawson, John William

Dawson's Densitometer

168571905Folding hand camera especially the view-finder. Used on the Sibyl camera.

Newman & Guardia; Newman, Arthur Samuel


168611899Print trimmer.

Smith, Clement Alfred

Beam Circular Print Trimmer

170061898View-finder. Use of a mask placed in the focal point of the front lens.

Beck, Conrad; Beck, Horace Courthope


170441900Describes the Al-Vista panoramic camera.

Angsten, Peter Nickolaus


171431891Brin camera.

Brin, A.

Brin's Patent Camera

173281888Luzo roll-film camera.

Redding, Henry Joseph


174081904Mostly covers the Tudor range of cameras but also shows the method of clamping the front standard to the focusing rack used on the Sanderson.

Houghtons Ltd; Edwards, William Albert; Holmes, Herbert

Sanderson De Luxe, Roll-film Sanderson, Tropical Sanderson, Sanderson Tropical De Luxe, Sanderson Tropical De Luxe

175301913Swing or tilting front to a studio camera.

Adams, Arthur Lewis

Studio Minex

176241908Strut camera. Used on the Folding Pocket Tenax.

Goerz, Carl Paul

Vest Pocket Tenax

176421892Exposure determining. Describes a circular slide-rule.

Scott, J.A.; Britannia Works Co.

Ilford Meter


Clarke, Joseph Thacher


178441894Sector shutter.

Goerz, Carl Paul; Nerrlich, Eugen Albrecht Richard

Adams Club, Xit Goerz, Goerz Sector

179001897Ruling machine to produce screens used in the Joly colour photography process.

Joly, J.

Joly Process

180991888Method of connecting the front standard to the baseboard and locking rising front etc. Used on the Acme camera.

Watson, Thomas Parsons

Watson Acme

181211907The Staley-Wheeler telephoto attachment.

Staley, Alfred Edward; Wheeler, Owen

Staley-Wheeler Convertible Telephoto

181671889See-Saw shutter.

Lancaster, W.J.

Rover, Perfect Omnigraph, Lancaster See-Saw

182601906Four-way swing front.

Adams, Arthur Lewis

Tropical Minex, Minex

185341949Application number for the Wrayflex.

Studdert, Maurice Eyre Persse; Wray Cameras Ltd

Wrayflex I

185351949Application number for the Wrayflex.

Studdert, Maurice Eyre Persse; Wray Cameras Ltd

Wrayflex I

185421888The focusing pinion has reduced sections so that when these are moved over the rack it is out of gear.

Rayment, E.; Rayment, F.L.; Rayment, Arthur; North, C.G.

185951893Folding strut camera. Used on the original model Vesta.

Hill, Henry; Adams, Arthur Lewis

Adams Vesta

186311901Dial to calculate the shutter speed from the slit width and tension setting.

Tattersall, Henry Percy; Pickard, George Arthur

Focal Plane Automan, Focal Plane Eureka, Focal-Plane

187441908Screens for colour photography.

Dufay, Louis

Dufaycolor Films

187671913While-U-Wait camera taking direct positives on cards, operated through a light-tight sleeve.

Mandel, Louis


191081907Describes a mechanism that releases the catches to a reversing back by use of a central button. Used on Sanderson cameras.

Houghtons Ltd; Edwards, William Albert; Holmes, Herbert

Tropical Sanderson

191721900Device to hold shutter blades open for focusing, for example on a Unicum shutter.

Walker, James Hubert Phipps

Sanderson Regular, Sanderson Tropical De Luxe

191981908Tripod with legs of U section. Sold as the Jaynay Quickset.

Wilkinson, John; Wilkinson, Alfred

Aptus Automatic Ferrotype Camera

192741890Shutters, pneumatic regulation. Patent refused.

Newman, Arthur Samuel

193291894Shutters, lenses and lens fittings. Used on falling plate cameras.

Jackson, Alfred Charles

Falling plate camera (Jackson's patents), Improved Rapid, Falling plate camera (Jackson's patents)

193311900Describes a watch type actinometer sold as the Watkins Dial.

Watkins, Alfred

Dial Meter

193631902Focal-plane shutter and mirror in a single-lens reflex.

Newman, Arthur Samuel; Newman & Guardia

Square Reflector

194061912Reflex camera.

Adams, Arthur Lewis; Foulkes Winks, Benjamin

Studio Minex

194801890Shutter. Used on the Adams Hand Camera.

Adams, Arthur Lewis; Newman, Arthur Samuel

Adams Hand Camera


Clarke, Joseph Thacher

Frena, Frena Changing Mechanism

197701889Plate holders for use in changing boxes.

Miall, Frank


199431906Printing frame were a pressure bar, operated by a screw, grips the paper to the negative.

Proctor, Thomas Richard; Houghtons Ltd


199621905Exposure determining. Relates to the meter described in BP 17642/1892 with the additional feature of including the weather conditions.

Ilford Ltd; Potter, Rowland Samuel

Ilford Meter

200161910Shutters and reflex cameras.

Newman, Arthur Samuel; Newman & Sinclair

NS Patent Reflex

200881909Spring arrangement to attach supplementary lenses to a camera lens.

McAlpine, George Leonard; Griffin & Sons

Planiscope Attachments

201871915The fluid in a developing tank is agitated by introducing air under slight pressure.

Gimblett, John Archibald Linden; Rowden, George Vere

Carbine, Carbine

202261900Method of fixing the front standard to the baseboard to provide lever focusing.

Tattersall, Henry Percy

Oxford Automan, Focal Plane Automan

202531892Exposed indicator for dark-slides.

Thornton, John Edward; Pickard, Edgar

Tailboard Camera for Mono or Stereo, Unnamed Field Camera, Royal Ruby, Royal Ruby

202991890Changing boxes especially the use of sheaths to hold the plates. Found on Newman and Guardia and Adams cameras.

Newman, Arthur Samuel; Adams, Arthur Lewis

N&G Standard, Adams Hand Camera, N&G Changing Box, Adams Changing Box

203301904Means of compressing the bulb of a pneumatic release.

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co.; Pickard, George Arthur

Time & Instantaneous

206231914Film spools. Used in the Homéos.

Richard, Jules


206491892Shutter, pneumatic regulation.

Newman, Arthur Samuel; Guardia, J.

N&G Standard, N&G Sector

207681894Folding camera.

Jones, Alexander James; Levi, Samuel Joseph

Tablo, The Pullman Camera

208521890Shutters and lens fittings.

Clarke, Joseph Thacher

Frena, Frena Changing Mechanism

208601900Use of spring plate and studs to locate the front standard on the baseboard.

Holmes, Herbert; Houghton, George

Sanderson Regular, Sanderson De Luxe, Sanderson Tourist, Junior Sanderson, Sanderson Tropical De Luxe, Roll-Film Sanderson

208621900Tallbody feature to prevent bunching of the bellows from obscuring the image.

Sanderson, Frederick Herbert

Sanderson A pattern, Sanderson Popular, Tropical Sanderson, Sanderson De Luxe, Sanderson Tropical De Luxe, Sanderson Tropical De Luxe

209511897Roll-film holder, the film being wound outside the backing paper.

Eastman, G.

Cartridge Film Roll-holder

209711908Screens for colour photography.

Christensen, Jens Herman

Agfa Farbenplatten

210971908Screens for colour photography.

Christensen, Jens Herman

Agfa Farbenplatten

212951904Describes the Ticka.

Nièll, Magnus

Ticka, Ticka, Watch Face Ticka, Solid Silver Ticka

214581894Improvements to the Double Anastigmat.

Goerz, Carl Paul; Höegh, Emil von

Ross-Goerz Double Anastigmat

215051896Metal dark-slides with removable inner section, sold by B.J. Edwards. (The patentees traded as W. Edwards of the Steam Cabinet Case Works, Birmingham). The surname of Brown was possibly Edwards Brown.

Brown, Frank Edwards; Edwards, William

Xit, Edwards' Patent

215101899Describes a folding camera. Used in the Pocket Cyko.

Nièll, Magnus

Pocket Cyko No 1

215881909Reflex cameras.

Adams, Arthur Lewis

Tropical Folding Minex, Folding Minex

215941900In a focal-plane shutter the tapes are wound into the centre of the take-up roller, a gap in the roller allows the set speed to be viewed from outside the camera via a red window.

Adams, Arthur Lewis

Adams Reflex

216371904Metal stereoscope that resembled a book when closed, manufactured as the Pocket Rotoscope.

Bath, Sidney Herbert; Rotary Photographic Co.

Pocket Rotoscope

217271893Describes the Photoret.

Magic Introduction Co.


217551896Describes a binocular camera.

Bloch, Edmond

Stereo Binocular Camera

217681902Print trimmer.

Wilkinson, John; Wilkinson, Alfred

Jaynay Print Trimmer

218301904Describes a panoramic camera.

Multiscope and Film Co.


218731899Changing mechanism and shutter for a rigid stereo camera. Used in the L.S.C. Royal.

Smyth, Herbert

The Royal

219331891Telephoto attachment fitting behind the prime lens.

Dallmeyer, Thomas Rudolphus

Telephoto Attachment

221361895Use of springs and notches in the side struts to locate normal position of front and rear standards. Locking of inner focusing frame by bolts. Focusing screen attached to reversing frame by two flat springs allowing screen to move outwards when slide is inserted.

Thornton, John Edward; Pickard, Arthur Gray

221501902Drying rack for plates.

Wilkinson, John; Wilkinson, Alfred

Jaynay Plate Drying Rack

222071903Roller-blind shutter mechanism. Used on the Royal model.

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co.; Woods, Alfred

Time & Instantaneous

225571896Strut camera dark-slides and shutter. Used on the Tit-Bit.

Tylar, William

Tylar's Pocket Tit-Bit

226071893The Cooke Anastigmat lens.

Taylor, Harold Dennis

Cooke Series V

226331900Printing frame using pins on the back that fit into slots on the side of the frame to prevent slippage.

Wilkinson, John; Wilkinson, Alfred

Jaynay Non-Slip

226981904Reflex cameras, mirror movement and shutters.

Kershaw, Abram

Stereo Tropical Reflex, Stereo Tropical Soho, Tropical Soho, Improved Artist Reflex, Soho Reflex, Dainty Soho Reflex

227931901Print roller. Method of fixing the handle to the frame. See also 11224/1906.

Wilkinson, John; Wilkinson, Alfred

Print rollers and wipers

229621900Heliar lens.

Harting, Carl August Hans


229881904Autochrome. This, the first Autochrome patent, proposed that the plate be coated with grains coloured red, yellow and blue, the plate was then again coated with a tacky layer followed by a second coating of grains of the same colour, these would overlap in places producing a screen of six colours - red, yellow, blue, orange, green and blue-violet.

Lumière et ses Fils


230271913Stereoscopic camera for cine film. Used in the Homéos.

Richard, Jules; Colordeau, Louis Joseph Emmanuel


233151892Use of notches in film packs to change film. The films have notches along two sides. When a film has been exposed pins in front of the film are slid to coincide with the notches and so release the film. The next film has notches in the alternate position and so is held in place by the pins. Used in the Frena.

Clarke, Joseph Thacher

Folding Frena, Frena, Frena, F.O.P. Frena, Frena Film Holder, Frena Changing Mechanism

233781892The Double Anastigmat.

Goerz, Carl Paul; Höegh, Emil von

Ross-Goerz Double Anastigmat

233871894Printing Frames. Spring catch arrangement to clamp the back in place.

Spratt, Henry James; Spratt, Alfred Sidney; Spratt, George Albert

Printing Frame


Sanger-Shepherd, Edward

Sanger-Shepherd Density Meter

234311901Changing box with a bag, tambour shutter and lever to raise the plate.

Adams, Arthur Lewis

Adams Changing Box

234871892Describes a small roll-film camera, shutter etc. Used on the Kombi.

Kemper, A.C.


235001926Application number for GB281802.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Edwards, Valentine William

No. 12 Watch Pocket Carbine, No. 4 Ensign Carbine

236701903Roller-blind shutter where the setting cord is pulled back into the case.

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co.; Piercy, Ernest Vary

Time & Instantaneous

238831895Front standard connected to the baseboard by two studs, each side of the standard, these engage slots one of which is segmental allowing the standard to pivot forward for removal.

Spratt, Henry James; Spratt, Alfred Sidney; Spratt, George Albert

238941893For Factorial development. Includes the Factorial Calculator and an instrument for timing development, using the Factorial method, based on a multi-chambered sand glass.

Watkins, Alfred

Watkins Factorial Calculator, Watkins Eikronometer

240891899The Unar lens.

Rudolph, Paul

Ross-Zeiss Unar

241571895Describes the Presto camera.

Casler, Herman


242691896Rotary shutter and general arrangement of the Pocket Kodak.

Eastman Photographic Materials Co.; Brownell, Frank Alexander

Pocket Kodak

243501901Describes a folding hand camera.

Nièll, Magnus

Pocket Cyko No 1

244871893Use of green and yellow screens to give better colour rendering. Based on BP 9926/92.

Burchett, Arthur

Burchett's Colour Screen

245671898Describes the shutter, changing mechanism and general form of a rigid bodied camera. Used in the Sigriste camera.

Sigriste, J.G.


246471893Describes a folding hand camera that folds into a small space. Used on the Shew Featherweight.

Shew, Fox; Batault, Emile

Shew Featherweight

247201899Telephoto attachment fitting in front of the prime lens.

Dallmeyer, Thomas Rudolphus


250001894Relates to an instrument for calculating the time of exposure. A watch type meter is described with only one movable scale. The scale of exposure times and the scale of plate speeds are marked on the fixed outer rim of the meter, the diaphragm numbers and light intensity scale are on an inner revolving dial. The sensitive paper is exposed in a window on the other side to the scales.

Watkins, Alfred

The Watch

250371913Extending focusing rack for use with reflex cameras.

Adams, Arthur Lewis

Tropical Folding Minex, Folding Minex

250741908Daylight changing system.

Brooks, Arthur Augustus

A-kla Daylight Loading System

252371905Shutter. Used on the Beck Celverex.

Beck, Conrad; Beck, Horace Courthope


252851903Reflex cameras. Used on the Square Reflector.

Newman, Arthur Samuel; Newman & Guardia

Square Reflector

253701908Determining when development is complete, used in the A-kla system.

Brooks, Arthur Augustus

A-kla Daylight Loading System

254631912Time valve to fit onto a cable release.

Baxter, F. W.

Fortex Time Valve

256551903Filter or supplementary lens attachment for box cameras.

Isaacs, Myer Lewis; Isaacs, Lewis Myer; Isaacs, Frederick Myer; Levi, J & Co.


257181904Autochrome. The second Autochrome patent proposed a single coating of grains but of multiple colours.

Lumière et ses Fils


258491908Reflex camera.

Adams, Arthur Lewis; Roberts, Walter George

Tropical Minex, Minex

260681902Describes the Block Notes.

Gaumont, L.

Block-Notes, Stereo Block-Notes

261581933Application number for the Purma camera.

Mayo, Alfred Croger

Purma Speed

262301904Circular print cutter.

Wilkinson, John; Wilkinson, Alfred

Jaynay Circular Print Cutter

262811898Describes a watch type actinometer. Relates to BP 14457/1884, BP 14364/1893, BP 25000/1894. The meter uses circular sensitive paper rather than coiled paper, fresh paper is exposed by revolving the meter case.

Watkins, Alfred

Watkins Actinometer

271021896Changing mechanisms, focusing etc. Used on falling plate cameras.

Jackson, Alfred Charles

Falling plate camera (Jackson's patents), Improved Rapid, Falling plate camera (Jackson's patents)

271801906The Isostigmar lens.

Beck, Conrad; Beck, Horace Courthope


274611910Mechanism for tensioning and releasing roller-blind shutter. Also applied to Focal-plane shutters.

Prout, George Frederick; Holmes, Herbert; Houghtons Ltd

Triple Victo, Ensign Focal Plane Camera, Ensign Popular Reflex, Salex Tropical Reflex, Ensign Folding Reflex

275921912Diaphragm shutter with gear train to regulate the exposure. Used on the Compur.

Deckel, F.

Compur S

276461912Roll-film camera, especially the use of a glass plate against which the film is pressed and film advance release mechanism. Used in the Homéos.

Richard, Jules


276671909Reflex cameras with a mask to show position of revolving back.

Adams, Arthur Lewis; Roberts, Walter George

Tropical Minex, Minex

277721913Method of collapsing the front standard in a folding hand camera.

Goerz, Carl Paul

Tropical Manufok Tenax

278221902Describes a watch type actinometer sold as the Watkins Bee. A meter is shown with exposure times and diaphragm numbers on the outer fixed scale. On the inner movable scale are the plate speed and actinic value scales. The plate number is set against the diaphragm number, the exposure time can then be read against the actinic value. This is a slightly different arrangement to the production model Bee.

Watkins, Alfred


279861903Exposure meters. Describes Le Photometre Normal.

Degen, Edouard

Le Photometre Normal

281741906Focal-plane shutter.

Giles, Walter Frederick

Tropical Folding Ruby

284481908Folding reflex camera.

Frennet, Jules

Ensign Folding Reflex

284641907Describes a roll-film strut camera. Used in the Ensignette.

Nièll, Magnus

Ensignette No 1, Ensignette No 2

295061897Describes a changing arrangement for cameras using cut-film. Used in the Tella camera.

Adams, Arthur Lewis


295991897Describes a detective camera where the plates are changed by inserting the hand into the camera.

Atwater, John Larson


296371913The Xpres lens.

Stuart, John; Hasselkus, John William


314411921Application number marked on APM reflex.

Apem Reflex

321381949Application number for the Wrayflex.

Wrayflex I

1066801916Plate holder used to produce composite photographs where a mask is moved between successive images.

Walsham, A. E.; Bennett, A.; Perl, A. H. F.

Changing Expression

1066811916Displaying and mounting composite photographs that use a mask.

Walsham, A. E.; Bennett, A.; Perl, A. H. F.

Changing Expression

1084581916Automatic diaphragm where the iris is kept open by a tensioned spring that, when released, closes the iris.

Treitschke, Friedrich

1141731918Improvements in displaying composite photographs with an animated effect. This relates to photographs displayed in contact with a ruled screen. The specific improvement was to place the photograph in front of the screen and to incorporate an indentation in the mount to ensure contact between the screen and the photograph.

Atherton, Reginald Ignatius; Jones, David Burne; Croneen, Sidney

Changing Expression

1173991917Describes a folding strut camera. Used in the Ensign Midget.

Nièll, Magnus

Silver Midget

1246361918Describes a folding hand camera.

Newton & Wright; Litchfield, Thomas

Newton Litchfield Camera

1256151916Focal-plane shutter.

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co.; Pickard, Arthur Gray; Slinger, Frank

Aerial Camera

1286261917Describes the T-P Gun camera.

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co.; Pickard, Arthur Gray; Slinger, Frank

Mk 111 Hythe Gun Camera

1311491918Camera for continuous operation or still exposures, produced as the Sept.

Tartara, Giuseppe Giovanni Battista


1397191919Dallon telephoto lens.

Booth, Lionel Barton


1460541920Improvements to BP 131149 (Sept).

Tartara, Giuseppe Giovanni Battista


1506631920Developing tank for roll films, in which a slide is provided for feeding the film in a double layer into the tank. Used on the Carbine tank. Application no. 15204. Magnus Nièll had patented a similar arrangement in 1909/10.

Rowden, George Vere


1515071919Dallon telephoto lens.

Booth, Lionel Barton


1570371921Three element lens.

Warmisham, Arthur; Taylor, Taylor & Hobson Ltd

Flush Back Popular Ensign, Ensignette No 1

1581941919Reflex cameras and focal-plane shutters. Used in the Folding Reflex.

Mason, Percy George; Newman & Guardia

N&G Folding Reflex, N&G Folding Reflex

1586011919Reflex cameras and lens fittings. Used in the Folding Reflex.

Mason, Percy George; Newman & Guardia

N&G Folding Reflex, N&G Folding Reflex

1628291920Describes a pre-set device for an iris diaphragm. An arm moves around the rim of the diaphragm, at the required aperture a spring loaded pin in the arm engages a socket in the rim. Once engaged the arm, when moved, will change the aperture between full and the pre-set value. Fitted to Neostigmar lenses.

Beck, Conrad

1655091921Method of determining the exposure required when printing from a negative.

Price, A. L.

Price's Photographic Printmeter

1655751920Body for a roll-film camera using sheet aluminium. Used in the Ensignette.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph

Ensignette No 1, Ensignette No 2

1710241920Folding hand camera. Used on the Patent Etui camera.

Guthe, Paul

Patent Etui

1822371922Tripod that folds into a walking stick. A later patent BP 321007/1929 was for a stick with fold-out platform for the camera.

Peacock, Thomas; Newman & Guardia

Walking Stick Tripod

1836261921Hood for a rear focusing screen.

Peacock, Thomas; Newman & Guardia

Baby Sibyl

1903021921Reflex cameras and focal-plane shutters.

Bettles, Arthur Edward

Meyer Speed Camera, Salex De Luxe

1948971922Roll-film hand camera. Used on the Ensign Cupid. Application no. GB19220004312. Specification published in 1923.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Edwards, Valentine William

Ensign Cupid

2015611923Correx film apron.

Correx Müvek Filmipari Gepgyar Czako Laszlo


2036681922Albada view-finder.

Carl Zeiss


2076371922Improvements to shutters. Used on the Ensign Cupid. Application no. GB19220024360.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Edwards, Valentine William

Ensign Cupid

2105311922Reflex camera.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Dockree, Walter

2 ¼B Roll-film Reflex, Ensign Roll-film Reflex, Ensign Roll-film Reflex 2 ¼B

2107171922Reflex camera.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Dockree, Walter

2 ¼B Roll-film Reflex

2139731923Roll-film developing dish.

Leigh, Albert; Baker, Thomas

Easy Roll-film Developing Dish

2149391924Exposure meters. A screen of graded opacity is viewed through a lens. An iris at one end of the tube is graduated indicating the relative exposure. Removable filters can be placed near the iris. The drawing with the patent shows the graded screen to have five horizontal bands carrying shutter speeds. See also BP 348662/1931.

Mayer, Emil


2163491923Lantern slides for use having an opaque coating which can be cut through by a sharp-pointed instrument to form diagrams etc.

Morgan, Henry Morrish

Announcement Slides

2168311924Exposure meter for printing. A sheet having sections or areas of varying transparency for determining the correct printing exposure for a negative.

Mayer, Emil


2206151923General arrangement for a box camera.

Optische Anstalt C.P. Goerz A.G.

Box Tengor II

2355601924Camera, shutter etc.


Leica I(a)

2482741926Sliding lens mount between fixed stops for focusing.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph

All-Distance Ensign, Ensign All-Distance Twenty

2664941925Reflex camera.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Edwards, Valentine William; Dockree, Walter; Denniss, Alfred Joseph

Ensign Roll-film Reflex

2706231926Describes the front standard of a folding camera with a helical lens movement, used on the Agfa Standard range.

IG Farbenindustrie

Agfa Standard, Agfa Standard, Agfa Standard

2708231926General arrangement for a box camera with hinged body.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Edwards, Valentine William; Holmes, Alfred William Robert

All-Distance Ensign

2711451926Reflex camera.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Edwards, Valentine William; Dockree, Walter; Denniss, Alfred Joseph

Focal Plane Roll-film Camera

2711861926Positioning of the diaphragm behind a simple lens.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Hainsworth, Frank

All-Distance Pocket Ensign, All-Distance Ensign, Ensign All-Distance Twenty

2713301926Shutter, two blade pivoted return type. Used on the Sibyl Vitesse and Excelsior cameras.

Peacock, John Atkins; Newman & Guardia

Sibyl Vitesse, Sibyl Excelsior

2732741926The Tessar lens.

Carl Zeiss


2754621926Diaphragm shutter. Used on rim-set Compur.

Deckel, Friedrich; Geiger, Martin

Compur S

2763461928Exposure meters - extinction. A meter is described where the variable density portion of the field is surrounded by a large bright surface which causes the eye to rapidly acquire a definite degree of sensitiveness. See also BP 234147/1925.

Schlichter, Wilhelm.

Lios Actinometer

2803521926Pressure plate for roll-film cameras. When the cover to the red window is moved aside the springs operating the film pressure plate are flattened allowing the film to move freely.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Edwards, Valentine William; Denniss, Alfred Joseph

No. 7 Ensign Carbine, No. 4 Ensign Carbine, Ensign Selfix '20', All-Distance Ensign, Duo-Ensign, Focal Plane Roll-film Camera

2818021926Hinged spool retaining spindle.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Edwards, Valentine William

No. 7 Ensign Carbine, No. 12 Watch Pocket Carbine, No. 4 Ensign Carbine, Ensign Greyhound, All-Distance Pocket Ensign, Ensign Selfix '20'

2854941927Memo roll-film camera. Related patents: BP 285495/1927, BP 288316/1927, BP 288317/1927, BP 290603/1927, BP 290604/1927.

Ansco Photoproducts Inc.

Ansco Memo

2855431926Self-developing camera.

Moore, Harry Charles

Aptus Automatic Ferrotype Camera

2900231927Hinged back to a roll-film camera. Used on the Sibyl Excelsior camera.

Peacock, John Atkins; Newman & Guardia

Sibyl Excelsior

2950711927Folding strut camera. Used in the Snapshot.

Dallmeyer Ltd; Carter, Harry Arthur

Dallmeyer Snapshot

3233841930In a roll-film camera, a pressure plate, normally held away from the film by springs, is moved into contact therewith by operation of the shutter release, and is returned to the normal position when the shutter release is freed.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Edwards, Valentine William


3245781930Flash bulb, used in the Sashalite. See also: Ostermeier, BP 357239/1931; Hauser & Co. BP 368383/1932, BP 368531/1932.

Ostermeier, Johannes


3248311929Roll-film camera. Used in the Rajar 6.

Amalgamated Photographic Manufacturers Ltd; Kershaw, Cecil

Rajar No. 6

3289521930In a camera having a hand operated winder for simultaneously advancing the film and setting a focal plane shutter, means is provided for automatically freeing the film winder, when it has been wound to a fresh exposure position, and allowing the shutter spindle to proceed independently until fully set for either instantaneous or time exposure.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Edwards, Valentine William


3304381929Use of a stencil to cut bellows.

Amalgamated Photographic Manufacturers Ltd; Kershaw, Norman

Soho Cadet, Soho Pilot, Soho Raven, Soho Cadet

3342201929Magnesium ribbon holder combined in the same case as an exposure meter.

Boehm, Wilhelm

Combined Ribbon Holder and Exposure Meter

3383901929Hood on a reflex camera fitted with a pocket for the shutter of a dark-slide.

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co.; Pickard, Arthur Gray; Reeves, John Horace

Duplex Ruby Reflex

3457191930Improvements in catches or fasteners for the cases of cameras.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Edwards, Valentine William

Autorange - 20

3468821931Method of constructing a camera body utilizing pressed sheet metal.

Miller, Maurice


3486621931Exposure meters, describes the arrangement of scales on an extinction meter. Refers to BP 214939/1924.

Bing, Joseph Mina

Dremoscop, Cinemeter

3595241931In a film camera in which the film is wound on setting the focal plane shutter, describes a means by which the increasing diameter of the take-up spool is compensated for to ensure that a constant length of film is wound on each operation.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Edwards, Valentine William


3659251932Reflex camera

Steiner, Kurt

K W Box Reflex

3660691930Double ended film clip used when processing film.

Purslove, Arthur Edward

Ilford Film Clips

3681051932Comparison meter using phosphorescent material.

Reiss, Friedrich


3682601932Three-colour back.

Oliver, Leslie Walter; Colour Photographs (British & Foreign) Ltd

Studio camera

3698331930The Tessar lens.

Carl Zeiss


3712521932Rangefinder with moveable mirror or prism moved by the focusing movement of the camera lens.


Leica II, Leica II

3775371931Improvements in lenses. The Speed Panchro.

Lee, Horace William; Kapella Ltd

Reid III, Speed Panchro

3782701932Use of a condenser lens combined with the focusing screen.

Stevens, Frank Herbert

Duplex Ruby Reflex, Rubyette

3784291932Dremo exposure meter. Extinction exposure meter showing the field of view.

Drem Products Corp


3793441931Arrangement of mirrors in a three-colour camera.

Hillman, Albert George; Gill, Bertram Thomas; Gerrard Industries Ltd

Hillman Colour Camera

3793451931Method of focusing all three images in a three colour camera at the same time.

Hillman, Albert George; Gill, Bertram Thomas

Hillman Colour Camera

3799541932Rangefinder coupling adjusted from the focusing mount of the camera lens through intermediate mechanism.


Leica II, Leica II

3804301932Exposure meter for printing. Electric meter where a screen, part translucent part opaque, is illuminated from the enlarger source, through the negative, and part of it from below by a bulb. The bulb is adjusted by a rheostat, when the two fields appear the same a pointer will show the exposure time.

Drem Products Corp


3832331932Interchangeable cam rings to connect lenses of different focal length to a rangefinder.


Leica II, Leica II

3839111932Film re-wind knob that can be pulled clear of obstructions on the top plate.


Leica Standard, Leica II, Leica II

3868871933Use of a right-angle prism behind a rangefinder eye-piece so that viewing can be at right angles to the line of sight.


3868881933Angular view-finder, Wintu etc.


3889971933Covers the focusing and rangefinder coupling used in the Prominent.

Voigtländer & Sohn


3919531933Tube being one coil of a spring forming a lens hood.

Lomax, Frank Sharp; Whitehead, Charles Edwin


4052081934Coupled rangefinder, "having a deflecting device of two refracting wedges which are rotatable in opposite directions".

Zeiss Ikon A.G.

Super Ikonta, Contax I

4092171933Twin lens reflex cameras especially inclining the viewing lens to compensate for parallax.

Voigtländer & Sohn


4103061933Shutter mechanism.

Steenbergen, Johan; Diebel, Otto; Frauenstein, Hugo; Englisch, Emil; Schubert, Herman; Koch, Conrad

Exakta, Exakta Model B, Exakta Model C

4128801934Escapement mechanism for slow shutter speeds.


Leica III

4144651933Roll-film cameras. Shutter mechanism.

Steenbergen, Johan; Diebel, Otto; Frauenstein, Hugo; Englisch, Emil; Schubert, Herman; Koch, Conrad

Exakta, Exakta Model B, Exakta Model C

4149921934Attaching a photographic camera or the like to an optical observation instrument (Microscope).

Carl Zeiss

Contax I

4157701933Improvements relating to rangefinders or telemeters for photographic cameras

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Denniss, Alfred Joseph; Edwards, Valentine William

Auto-speed, Autorange - 20

4199151934Coupled rangefinder, "having two spherical or cylindrical lenses of opposite sign mounted so as to be relatively rotatable about an axis perpendicular to the plane of measurement and producing zero deviation of the rays in the infinity position".

Zeiss Ikon A.G.

Contax II, Contax III

4211321933Announcement slides for use at cinemas made of heat resisting glass, related to BP 216349/1923.

Morgan, Henry Morrish

Announcement Slides

4230351933Photographic cameras; exposure meters; developing-apparatus. July 18, 1933. Describes the general form of the Compass.

Billing, Noel Pemberton

Compass II

4232261933Photographic lens fittings and mounts. July 18, 1933. Describes a lens mount "comprising of front and rear lens components carried by superimposed plates or discs having in their faces circular recesses, eccentric to the optical axis of the lens, in which are mounted rotary discs which lie between the lens components, and carry colour filters, stops, or extension lenses. A shutter may also be similarly mounted between the lens components".

Billing, Noel Pemberton

Compass II

4254151935Covers the Ebner camera.

Ebner, Albert


4280031933Stand heads. Nov. 3, 1933. Describes panoramic heads and tripod fittings.

Billing, Noel Pemberton

Compass II

4284491935Covers the Ebner camera.

Ebner, Albert


4284551933Photographic shutters. Nov. 3, 1933. Describes the Compass shutter.

Billing, Noel Pemberton

Compass II

4285161935Contact printer and projector.

Billing, Noel Pemberton

4306481933Improvements in or relating to cameras with focal-plane shutters. Application no. GB19330026158, published in 1935.

Mayo, Alfred Croger

Purma Speed, Purma Special

4379451935Photographic lens fittings and mounts. The patent describes a tubular camera front carrying one or more lenses each of which can be brought into use. Further, parts of each lens can be combined with parts of another. i.e. each lens comprises a front and back lens group which can be moved independently into the optical axis. The patent goes on to describe the threaded focusing arrangement, filters and lens aperture wheels.

Billing, Noel Pemberton

4403531936Rangefinder in a roll-film camera.

Kodak Ltd

Bantam Special

4419801934Trigger release for photographic shutters.

Voigtländer & Sohn


4441051936Exposure meters - extinction. Describes the Leudi.

Leber, Alois


4456111934Photographic-film holders. Oct. 15, 1934. Describes a carrier for photographic films.

Billing, Noel Pemberton

Compass II

4459071934Photographic roll-film cameras. Application no. GB19350007981.

Mayo, Alfred Croger

Purma Speed, Purma Special

4479011934Photographic roll-film cameras. A camera back comprises a body portion to accommodate the film and a removable cover which constitutes a separate housing for a film numbering device and is geared to the film winding spindle. The body portion contains cavities accommodating the film in use and providing accommodation for spare or used spools. The back is shown fitted to a camera similar to the Compass.

Billing, Noel Pemberton

4520131935Photographic-film holders. Feb. 13, 1935. Describes a holder for photographic sensitive material having a support of celluloid, paper, or other thin flexible material.

Billing, Noel, Pemberton

Compass II

4541341936Means of adjusting and securing the film-plane.

Kodak Ltd

Bantam Special

4541441936Tongue and groove light seal between body parts.

Kodak Ltd

Bantam Special

4553651935Patent for the Minifex camera.

Kaftanski, Fritz


4585461936Photoelectric exposure meters. Describes a pointer moved by the shutter or aperture dial that coincides with the meter needle. The pole-pieces of the magnet are cut away so as to reduce the field for large deflections and may be provided with a loading resistance.

Macadie, Hugh Sutherland; Automatic Coil Winder & Electrical Equipment Co. Ltd

Avo, Avo

4598211935Photographic cameras; exposure meters.

Zeiss Ikon A.G.

Contax III

4613041935Improvements in lenses.

Lee, Horace William; Kapella Ltd

Reid III

4639431935Photographic roll-film cameras. Sept. 4, 1935. Describes a roll-film back.

Billing, Noel, Pemberton

Compass II

4651021935Photographic cameras. July 16, 1936. Describes a camera back similar to the Compass.

Billing, Noel Pemberton

Compass II

4670391937Photoelectric exposure meter, scale and pointer designed for low-light levels.

Zeiss Ikon A.G.

Helios, Helios, Helios

4678371935Photographic roll-film spools. Dec. 23, 1935.

Billing, Noel Pemberton

Compass II

4731231936Improvements in or relating to photographic cameras with focal-plane shutters. Application no. GB19360003684.

Mayo, Alfred Croger; Purma Cameras Ltd

Purma Special, Purma Plus

4745091937Motor drive attachment.


4755901937Smethurst High-Light Meter. In order to judge a photographic exposure in accordance with the "high lights" of the scene, the light incident upon it is measured by pointing towards the illuminant, from a position adjacent to the scene, an exposure meter which includes in front of the light sensitive element a translucent plate made of a substantially perfect light diffuser such as opal glass. A lens, stop, or filter may be introduced between the diffusing screen and light-sensitive element, or the diffusing screen itself may be tinted. The function of the diffusing screen is to integrate the light falling on it from different directions and the screen will, for the purpose set forth, be flat and unobstructed on the side on which the incident light falls.

Smethurst, Phillip Charles

Avo Smethurst High-Light Meter

4783421936Photographic cameras. May 16, 1936. "The scale indications on the shutter mechanism, the exposure meter and the diaphragm stops of a photographic camera are formed by or obtained from the terms of geometrical progression so that a simple calculation determines the correct shutter setting for any particular exposure meter scale reading. The camera comprises a casing and telescopic sections". The patent goes on to describe the two discs, one carrying diaphragm apertures, the other carrying colour filters. This is the basis for Compass Units.

Billing, Noel Pemberton

Compass II

4794531938Rapid film advance using a trigger and pulley.


Leica IIIa, Leica IIIb

4801081936Improvements in or relating to carriers for photographic sensitised material. Carriers for photographic sensitised material of the type comprising inner and outer envelopes separable for exposure, such as described in Specifications 445,611 and 452,013, one of the envelopes carries a flexible tongue which slides in a slot on the other envelope when separated for exposure.

Billing, Noel Pemberton; Tapper, Ambrose Henry; Willis, Arthur George

Compass II

4895571938Folding camera with four or more plates forming the body that hinge and collapse. Not present on the Compass.

Billing, Noel Pemberton

4899601938Describes a shutter lock when the lens is retracted into the body of the camera. Application no. GB19370003606.

Mayo, Alfred Croger; Purma Cameras Ltd; Terrett, Joseph

Purma Special

4899611938Describes the Purma shutter. Terrett's address is given as 16-17, Kirby Street London, Mayo's address is given as Onslow Rd, Richmond. Application no. GB19370003607.

Mayo, Alfred Croger; Purma Cameras Ltd; Terrett, Joseph

Purma Special, Purma Plus

4908361938Describes the Phot-See film holder.

Casler, Herman


4927371938Describes the Phot-See camera.

Casler, Herman


4945271937Describes the Erac camera.

Steward, Harry


4945441937Photographic roll-film cameras. Claimed under the convention date: 1936. Describes the Minox.

Valsts Elektrotechniska Fabrica


4951491937Photographic roll-film cameras. Claimed under the convention date: 1936. Describes the Minox.

Valsts Elektrotechniska Fabrica


4973011937Improvements in or relating to a photographic camera having light sensitive exposure diaphragm control means.

Kodak Ltd

Super Kodak Six-20

4973021938Describes the Super Kodak Six-20 shutter.

Kodak Ltd

Super Kodak Six-20

4975171938Film advance mechanism and automatic film loading. For roll-film cameras, a feeler detects the ridge where the film joins the backing paper, this causes a lever to rock and engage the film measuring roller and locking cam. The film is advanced by a lever attached to a large pinion this in turn drives the take-up spool. Pressed against the film on the take-up spool is a measuring roller which is tuned by friction with the spool. The measuring roller connects via a spindle to gearing which rotates a cam having notches mapping the movement of the film (i.e. amount to wind before the first exposure is reached and length of frame). A pawl acts on the cam and engages a notch when the correct amount of film has been wound, the other end of the pawl engages the pinion to which the film advance lever is attached. Reversing the film advance lever frees up the pawl. As the measuring roller is in contact with the film itself allowance is made for its increasing diameter. Related patents are: BP 499544/1939, BP 495276/1938, BP 431982/1935, BP 426915/1935.

Franke, Paul; Heidecke, Rheinhold

Rolleiflex Automat

5006261937Photographic cameras, shutters.

Steenbergen, Johan; Diebel, Otto; Frauenstein, Hugo; Englisch, Emil; Schubert, Herman; Koch, Conrad

Kine Exakta

5007911938Photographic cameras. Claimed under the convention date: 1937.

Steenbergen, Johan; Diebel, Otto; Frauenstein, Hugo; Englisch, Emil; Schubert, Herman; Koch, Conrad

Kine Exakta

5008661938Lens mounts for photographic cameras. Claimed under the convention date: 1937.

Steenbergen, Johan; Diebel, Otto; Frauenstein, Hugo; Englisch, Emil; Schubert, Herman; Koch, Conrad

Kine Exakta

5040081939Improvements in or relating to delay action mechanisms for photographic shutters.

Mihalyi, Joseph

Super Kodak Six-20

5046061938Motor drive attachment.


Leica III

5067491937Photographic lens mounts. Claimed under the convention date: 1936. Describes the Minox.

Valsts Elektrotechniska Fabrica


5071841937Improvements in or relating to objectives for photographic or like purposes.

Warmisham, Arthur; Wynne, Charles Gorrie; Taylor, Taylor & Hobson Ltd

Reid III

5073141939Reflex photographic cameras; lenses.

Steenbergen, Johan; Diebel, Otto; Frauenstein, Hugo; Englisch, Emil; Schubert, Herman; Koch, Conrad

Kine Exakta

5081221938Turl Photometer.

Ainger Hall, John; Schofield, Francis Harold; Turl, William George Haughton

Turl Photometer

5216061938Photographic cameras, rangefinders.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Parr, Bernard Arthur

Ensign Commando

5319961941Photoelectric exposure meters.

Sangamo Weston Ltd

Weston Master I

5506311943Photoelectric exposure meters. In which a grating is placed in front of a photoelectric cell to limit the angle of view.

Ross, T.W.; Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Ltd


5638751944Describes an auto-stop and film advance mechanism. Used on the Commando.

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co.; Hunter, Douglas Gordon

Ensign Commando

5657681943Lens hood shaped as an inverted cone intended to avoid internal reflections.

Peckham, Cyril George

Johnson Peckham Hood

5826741946Patent for the SEI Photometer.

Dunn, John Frederick; Platt, George Seymour

SEI Photometer

5870901945Improvements in or relating to bezel stops for lenses.

Kapella Ltd; Phillips, Arthur Claud; Coltman, Douglas Claud Wynn

Reid III

6143301948Photoelectric exposure meter, describes the Chum.

Gosling, Arthur Glendower


6259881949Photoelectric exposure meters.

Macadie, Hugh Sutherland; Automatic Coil Winder & Electrical Equipment Co. Ltd


6423191950Covers film winding movement and connection to the shutter. Application no. GB19470016000.

Mayo, Alfred Croger

Purma Plus

6612881951Spool used in roll-film developing tanks fitted with teeth to grip the sprocket holes in 35 mm film.

Paterson, Donald Macdougal

35 Model II

6613561951Spool used in roll-film developing tanks fitted with ball bearings or rollers to grip the film. Originally part of 661288.

Paterson, Donald Macdougal

35 Model II

6624071949Shirley Wellard re-loadable cassette.

Dye, William Charles; Bennett, George Henry Phillip; Quemby, James Charles; Buck, William James Henry

Shirley-Wellard Universal Cassette, Shirley-Wellard Universal Cassette

6819651952Describes the Minicord.

Istegstahl GmbH


6899161953Lens design. An objective comprises front and back convergent meniscus components having between them two divergent meniscus components at least one of which is compound, all components being concave towards the centre of the lens and the axial separation between the inner concave surfaces of the divergent components being thus greater than one half the diameter of the entrance pupil of the lens at the full aperture for which it is corrected, which the axial thickness of each divergent component is less than that of the adjacent convergent component.

Wray (Optical Works) Ltd; Wynne, Charles Gorrie

Wray Copying lens

6911031950Reflex camera. Describes the Wrayflex. Application no. GB19490018534.

Studdert, Maurice Eyre Persse; Wray Cameras Ltd

Wrayflex I

6911701950Reflex camera. Describes the Wrayflex. Application no. GB19520016662.

Studdert, Maurice Eyre Persse; Wray Cameras Ltd

Wrayflex I

6984091950Reflex camera. Describes the Wrayflex. Application no. GB19490018535.

Studdert, Maurice Eyre Persse; Wray Cameras Ltd

Wrayflex I

7013681953Describes a pin used to prevent the shutter from being released on the Purma Plus. The pin is engaged when the lens cap is in place.

Purma Cameras Ltd

Purma Plus

7228381953Photographic cameras with flashlight synchronizers. Application no. GB19520011460. Lindsay Leslie is given as inventor.

Reid & Sigrist Ltd

Reid III

7287411955Covers the reflex focusing arrangement of the Peckham Wray camera.

Peckham, Cyril George

Peckham Wray

7449621952Photographic shutters combined with exposure calculators. Covers the linkage of speed and aperture settings as used in EV and LVS scales.

Deckel, Hans; Deckel, Friedrich W.

Rolleicord V

7568161956Roll-film developing tanks where the liquid is poured in and out of a central hole.

Paterson, Donald Macdougal

35 Model II

7626411956Covers the Tessina camera.

Steineck, Rudolf


7890211955Photographic cameras.

Adox Kamerwerk G M B H

Adox 300

8087321959Patent for the Stylophot camera.

Kaftanski, Fritz


8204131959Describes the shutter release and film advance mechanism of the Agimatic.

Aeronautical & General Instruments


Listed by number:

1 1000 2000 4000

8000 16000 32000

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Registered Designs
